Christian Activities

     At Poston, there was a Christian church in each of the three camps (There were three separate camps at Poston: I, II, III). Twenty-four ministers, the largest number gathered in any relocation center, took turns preaching. Tameichi Okimoto (Poston block 327) and Kanichi Niizato were the Issei Holiness evangelists located there. Okimoto served as a secretary at the church in Poston III. He was also the coordinator for all of the Holiness ministers scattered in the various camps.
     At Poston III, two services were held for the convenience of the worshipers; however, everyone gathered together once each month. They published a weekly bulletin, drafted a Constitution, held special evangelistic meetings whenever they had an outside guest, and organized a New Year’s convention. In other words, church activities were very similar to the ones they held outside of the barbed wires. Once when the blind evangelist Kanichi Niizato spoke, more than 600 gathered to hear him.

Source: OMS Holiness Church of North America: Education and Publication Committee.